Love Your Feet

Our feet support our whole body. They take an enormous amount of pressure and force each day. 

How we distribute weight into our feet effects our feet, ankles, knees, hips and lower back.

All parts of our feet and movement of our feet and ankles have purpose

The arches absorb the impact with each step 

The ankles adjust and relay information to our legs and torso. 

Together they form levers that push the body off the ground while walking and running.

What can you do to show your feet love? 

Ankle Circular Motion

One of the exercises that can give you great flexibility and help you relieve pain in your back, hips and knees is the ankle circular rotation.

Movement: Keeping your knee and thigh still, start to circle your ankle leading with your big toe. Then circle leading with your baby toe. Repeat circling the other way.

Ankles that are tight and have the blood restricted to the area can cause areas like the back, knees and hips to compensate for the tight ankles. Performing these exercises might relieve muscle and joint pain not only in the knees, back and hips, but also in other parts of the body.

Pencil Pickups


This is an extremely easy exercise that you can do almost anywhere. All you need to do this exercise is to be barefoot and have a pencil or pen. Place the pencil or pen on the floor and stand in front of it. Pick it up with your toes and hold it up for ten seconds and then drop it.

Want more?… Join us for our Whole Body workshop: Love Your Feet March 2nd at 11:30am




Whole Grains for Heart Health